Monday, June 29, 2015

 Collection Sculpture 

Cornelia Parker - Thirty pieces of silver 

  • Elements and Principles - Space, negative space, symmetry, reflection 
  • Reminds me of childhood tea parties or a strange Alice in Wonderland type tea party, everything has been strung perfectly in line but you can barely see where, this idea really fascinates me
  • Artist Statement - Parkers work deals with themes of destruction, metamorphosis and space between objects in the world 

Damian Ortega 

  • Elements and Principles - Space, line, shape, negative space
  • This piece is so busy and loud it has so much energy yet it is also silenced motion. It is an interesting tangled mess but it has order. organized mess. 
  • Artist Statement - This artist is from Mexico city but lives in Berlin. He uses the urban landscape of Berlin as major influence on his work however things he uses in his work are often staples of Mexican life. 

Karen Rosenberg 

  • Elements and principles - Space, shape, negative space, color, symmetry, repetition, scale
  • a simple yet interesting idea the gold and off white compliment each other well directing your eye along the piece 
  • Artist Statement- Inspired by Buddhism
Reflection - 

My collection again focusses on the importance of the material, string and thread are used to wrap and stretch across the diameter of the circle. I wanted repetition of the same object but I also wanted to combine it with a slight differentiation between the rings. I wanted to use white because color is never an important factor in my work, I think white and black are simple yet bold enough to stand without color or with minimal color but color is never my main element. Thread along the string are glass beads which are important in reflecting light and leaving a glowing reflection of the wall. I used line and negative space within a controlled circle. I wanted the beads to create shadow and reflect light. 

Free Standing Sculpture 

Paul Ramirez Jonas


  • Elements and Principles - Line, scale, shape, repetition
  • They have a warm feel to them reminding me of a sail something seen at the beach it is quite geometric looking
  • Artist Statement - Jonas talks about being inspired by intimate moments.

Fernandez Arman

  • Elements and Principles - asymmetry, shape, space, negative space, color, scale
  • This work reminds me of Picasso's cubist guitars. His sculpture is completely broken up like cubist work. He uses snap lines to show the way everything has been sliced apart. 
  • Artist statement - Influenced by the DaDa movement

Gudjon Ketilsson

  • Elements and Principles - Organic shape, scale, line 
  • They are very ceramic looking, very natural looking as if they are some kind of succulent or shell of something.Very irregular shapes
  • Artist Statement - Ketlisson's work is inspired by using the whole of the human body to create art. 

Containing Gold -

This free stranding piece has important elements of design being shape, line and negative space. Its focus involves the circular unifying shape, 5 of which have very geometric design elements whereas the circular fabric contains chaos but also structure. I wanted to use only gold and white in this because the balance of the two tones worked together by being simple with the white but a subtle glow with the gold. These circular rings are also about the action of creating them the rhythmic movement of stretching the gold thread over the clean white rings. All three pieces are inspired by elements of embroidery and the action of sewing and binding things together with thread, they also have the common theme of the circle. Inspired also by the Native American legend of the Dream catcher and spinning a geometric spiders web. Circle symbols are important in some Native American cultures being a symbol for equality where no person is more prominent than another. “The circle has no break and holds that which cannot be broken.” This stood out to me while doing research for each sculpture and became a common theme for my work.